Azərbaycan holdinqləri işçilər axtarır - VAKANSİYALAR
"Başak Group" işçi axtarır - MAAŞ 400-600-800-1000 MANAT + BONUS - 5 VAKANSİYA
"Səba Şirkətlər Qrupu" işçilər axtarır - VAKANSİYALAR
"Karvan L" işçi axtarır - MAAŞ 1000 MANAT - VAKANSİYA
"Mazarina Trade Company" işçi axtarır - MAAŞ 1000-1500 MAMAT - VAKANSİYA
Dövlət qurumu çoxsaylı işçilər axtarır - VAKANSİYALAR
"Zeytun Pharmaceuticals" yüksək vəzifəyə - İŞÇİ AXTARIR - VAKANSİYA
"Avromed Company" işçi axtarır - VAKANSİYA
"Qartal Tikinti Firması" işçilər axtarır - MAAŞ 600 MANAT - VAKANSİYALAR
Bu şirkətlər işçi yığır: əmək haqqı 500-800-1000-1200-1500 manat - 20 VAKANSİYA
Bakıdakı Britaniya səfirliyi işçi axtarır - VAKANSİYA
"Azər Türk Bank" işçi axtarır - VAKANSİYA
Azərbaycan şirkəti işçi axtarır - MAAŞ 2000-2500 MANAT- VAKANSİYA
British Embassy Baku
Projects Intern (AZE22.424)
Son tarix 12 sen 2022 - Müraciət et
An exciting opportunity has arisen for a Projects Intern to The British Embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan. This is a full-time, temporary position. We strongly encourage any internal candidates who are interested in the role to apply, including current employees, interns at Post. If you decide to apply, please make sure to identify yourself as a current employee/intern staff in the application form.
Projects Intern will provide administrative, monitoring & evaluating and reporting support to other members of political team in managing their respective programme portfolios. The successful candidate will work as part of a dynamic political section, helping to deliver UK foreign policy objectives in Azerbaijan and promote UK values. The jobholder will assist in managing a range of projects that deliver against the UK Government’s regional strategy and post objectives.
For further details on this vacancy and information on how to apply, please follow the link on the FCDO Local Staff Vacancies Homepage.
Application Deadline: 11th September 2022
Referrals: If you know anyone with similar qualifications that could fit this role, we would like to encourage you to inform them about this opportunity.